Spring Brings Time to Begin Again
June 4, 2021
Spring. Time to begin again. I know it’s June, but I’m just now doing some of the maintenance my flower beds have needed since the beginning of spring. I’m not sure why I put it off. It’s always a peaceful, rewarding job.
In April, my lilacs were budding profusely from the warm, wet weather in March. Then, unexpectedly, our area suffered four nights of frost. The temperature plummeted to 20 degrees.

I was worried about my lilacs, and my peonies – fearing their buds would no longer bloom. But when the weather warmed back up again, these hardy perennials bloomed brighter than ever before. I was astounded at their tenacity and their beauty.
But while I wasn’t paying attention, my beautiful rose bush in the front yard died.
It hadn’t turned green with leaves nor buds when the frost came – but evidently it was preparing to do so. The freeze took its life.
I’ve put off cutting it down, partially because I’ve been distracted by other things in my life, but mostly because it’s so discouraging. It was so beautiful last year.
Today, I finally decided to start the job. I trimmed the dead wood out of it’s neighboring smaller rose bushes, until I had no more excuses. One by one I cut off big branches of dead wood, until suddenly I uncovered two tiny sprigs of life coming from the base of the plant. Carefully cutting away all of the lifeless branches, I made way for the new life which struggled to begin again.

What a joy it was to see the hope of the future.
As I often do, I came back inside contemplating the lessons of nature.
Some of us only paused during the pandemic. We worried about whether we’d make it through, but when it was over, we resumed blooming, brighter than ever before.
But some of us suffered greatly while no one watched.
There’s hope dear one. You have a Master Gardener who is not neglectful like me! He saw you and heard your cries. Jesus knows all your needs. He will patiently help you begin again. Don’t give up.
Jesus, our Messiah, came to bring new life.
“The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners.” Isaiah 61:1
Amen, thank you for showing even withered branches and extremely busy with life crisis and time again the new will be renewed for the love of Jesus direct us all to his trimming away the pain and suffering from experience that I am part of greatness like no other, Amazing Grace always will see how it works out for the best by leaning towards your words and actions speak louder than then the next time. Thank you for sharing this with us,. Much love and much more prayers to you and hope for everyone to find the time to lean on the Lord, whom will never leave us or forsake us, Amen!
This is beautiful, Lora.
Thank you for sharing.
I pray for healing for all.
I really needed to read this ; “He saw you and heard your cries. Jesus knows all your needs. He will patiently help you begin again. Don’t give up.
Jesus, our Messiah, came to bring new life.”
Love this, Lora! You always have great insight. What encouragement!
I just watched you speak at Riverlawn Church this morning on Facebook, (from your session there last night),and it was so heart warming, and so encouraging, and I could relate to so much of what you were saying. We have lost 3 grandchildren, and many others loved ones in our lives over the years. But God… has done a mighty work through it all. 🙌 You are a beautiful servant of Christ Lora! Thank you so much for sharing your heart… and the Heart of God!
May He continue to bless you, and use you for His glory!