Mom’s Easter Sunday Morning
April 21, 2019
My mom and dad were married Easter Sunday Morning in 1945.
The world outside the little church struggled with war. But inside, a young bride straightened her white wool dress and beamed at her beau in his dark suit. They planned to be the “special music” during the Easter service, a surprise for the congregation.
Lanora’s mind filled with thoughts. She had waited almost four years for this day, some of them wasted with worry for her soldier at war. He wrote letters. She sent pictures. The weeks turned into months inch by inch.
Then suddenly, the unexpected happened. As the result of a short hospital stay, Delmer came home. (For Dad’s story, click here.) Immediately, the simple wedding plan began. Buy a dress. Get some flowers. Talk to the preacher. They simply were not willing to wait another day.
The wedding march began, pulling her mind to the present. The couple walked the aisle. In a moment, with a few words, she became Mrs. Delmer Webb. He vowed never to leave her – always to love her.
Easter Sunday Morning. The day everything changed.
What a beautiful day to make a promise of love.
Just like the first Easter Sunday Morning.
The disciples’ world outside the tomb still struggled with fear, bewilderment, anger. No one expected this outcome. They all believed Jesus would deliver them from the oppression of Rome. In fact, He TOLD them He was the Messiah. How could he be dead?
They didn’t know He wouldn’t stay dead. They should have. He told them that too.
In the heavenlies, the angels watched for their cue. When the earth shook, everyone sprang into action. They rolled the stone away to reveal the empty grave and sat down to wait for the women to come. Soon everyone would know. The day had finally arrived.
With excitement, everyone in heaven observed as Jesus appeared to each disciple. No one grew weary of watching the story unfold. One-by-one, each believer saw Him. Some absorbed the news quickly, and others grew silent for a while, but before long, all of them were shouting with joy.
All of heaven burst into celebration. He’s alive!
The resurrection proved Jesus’ power over death. With it came the promise of forgiveness, of eternal life, of hope. He vowed never to leave us – always to love us.
Easter Sunday Morning. The day everything changed.
There’s another Easter coming.
My mom passed from this world on her wedding anniversary two years ago. It wasn’t Easter Sunday Morning that year on earth, but it was in heaven.
The day everything changed.
Jesus kept His promise of eternal life. He raised her from the dead and gave her a new home. She reunited with Dad – and her son, her son-in-law, her grandson, her granddaughter, and her great granddaughter, not to mention her own Mom and Dad and a host of family and friends. Can you imagine the celebration?
If only we could have heard it on earth. When I close my eyes, I can imagine it. The beautiful fulfillment of His promise of love.
Easter Sunday Morning.
My book, Song of a Wounded Heart, is now available as an e-book at Barnes & Noble,
or your favorite online bookstore. You can pre-order the paperback there as well. It will be released in June.
Oh precious Lora, how beautiful! Thank you for always sharing Jesus in such an intimate way!
Love you?
God’s ways… mysterious and wonderful! And what a GORGEOUS sunrise that the Lord painted in that picture above. Our God is creative, and even a romantic!