An ordinary woman with an extraordinary story


Momma and her cup

September 19, 2017

The farmhouse sits silent without Momma. It’s a long process – going through a lifetime of her things in my childhood home. Each item, each piece of paper, full of meaning and memories. The rest of my life and responsibilities have been pushed aside as my heart focuses on the things that represent stories of my Momma.

Several years ago, Momma and I looked through the china cabinet together. I asked her to tell me the stories of each item, while I jotted down notes on a little blue notepad. When we finished, I tucked the small notebook into a special place. Someday I knew I would need it.

That day came in 2017.
My Momma's clear, crystal punch cup. It sits in front of a window with the sun shining through the glass.
Momma’s cup. Photograph by Lora Jones.

With all of us gathered together, we read the words and took turns choosing meaningful pieces to take to our own homes. I chose several things, but the most tender to me is a clear crystal teacup.
My own handwriting told the story:

One punch cup that doesn’t match the rest, given to Mom by Mrs. Knier who was the one who told Mom Bible stories and took her to VBS. Special to Mom – although it probably just came in an oatmeal box.

A simple punch cup tells the story of two faithful women.

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.” Deuteronomy 6:5-9

Mrs. Knier lived her life following this verse. She probably never knew the impact she made upon the generations in my family, but I know the moments she gave to a little neighborhood girl changed my life entirely. Momma found Jesus because of Mrs. Knier. I found Jesus because of Momma.

I hold in my hands a symbol of my own Christian heritage.  The little oatmeal box cup, treasured for decades in my Momma’s china cabinet, will now set in mine, reminding me that speaking the name of Jesus matters for an eternity.



Mrs Knier’s legacy continued to reach others. Your mother was my Sunday School teacher my senior year of high school. I still have the Bible she gave me when I graduated. About 30 years later Mrs Webb taught both of my daughters in Sunday School. I will always have special memories of the Webb Family.

Thank you so much Jan for sharing this with me! Mom was my Sunday School teacher in the 7th grade. She continued to teach 7th graders until 1994, when she switched to teaching adults.

This brought back memories of having to go through my Dad’s belongings after he passed. First at work cleaning out his desk and locker. Then later at home a few years later. Even then it was no easier. I wish I had talked to him as you did your mother . But I was just beginning to understand him as an adult and not just dad when he passed. He did share few things but we had just started to share different situations in our lives but I truly missed out on learning about a very interesting man. Gsw

What a precious memory to have, my friend. I felt your words as you shared this memory with the rest of us. Thank you. You are truly gifted with words, my friend. I thank God for meddling and fashioning our lives to cross paths. Through your faithfulness, how many others find Jesus and come to know and understand the incredible love He has for us? Blessings to you, my sweet Lora!

Man, Lora, this one had me bawling like a baby. I hope and pray I will leave a legacy like that for my kids and grandkids! You are truly blessed. AND, you have blessed so many others. Love you!

Lora, thank you for sharing such a special story about Aunt Lanora.
She touched my life by her gracious life and uncompromising love
for Jesus?

So sorry Lora Jones about your mama, I hope you are stronger and wealthier in Christ since her April passing.

Such a sweet message and legacy of faith wrapped up in that little tea cup! A treasure for sure ❤️

What precious memories! So glad you had the foresight to get the stories from this china cabinet before your momma went to Glory! What a legacy she left.

Boy Gary, you are right. It’s hard to switch the perspective of seeing our parents as people, with strengths and weaknesses, doubts, fear and faith. I don’t think it matters how old they are, or how much time we had to prepare, their loss is huge in our lives.

Aw, Carol, I wish I was close enough to give you a hug, my dear friend! You are such a blessing to my life!

Janette: Storytelling, it’s my favorite thing to do. Be sure and tell your stories to your children – or better yet, write them down so they’ll always remember.

Mom’s faith strengthens my faith Teresa. Thank you for your prayers. I celebrate on her behalf as I consider the beauty of her life in heaven. And I mourn on my own behalf. I miss her.

It is Sonja! I miss you my friend! I hope you are building wonderful memories of your own with your children. I can’t believe how old they are now!! Yikes!

Even though I only met your mother a few time. I knew from meeting you, JL, and the children that there was something special about your family. I don’t believe she ever met a stranger, just like you.
What great memories you have. Thanks so much for sharing with us.
Love you always,

Thank you Amelia! Both my Mom and Dad welcomed everyone. Mom was usually quiet, but smiled. Dad talked their leg off. LOL

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