Turpin Mennonite Church
Jul 29, 2018, Turpin, OK
The summer is quickly disappearing. Have you accomplished all your summer projects yet? I always have more goals than I have available time!
In the midst of the beautiful weather and numerous opportunities for outside entertainment, I hope you have not neglected time with the Lord at his church. it’s easy to do. This Sunday, start the day with the Lord and your fellow believers before beginning the day’s outdoor activities. You will be glad you did.
I’d love for you to join me at Turpin Mennonite Church on Sunday, July 29. I will be filling their pulpit while their pastor goes on vacation. The service begins at 9:30. Then Sunday School follows at 10:45. This week we will study Ruth and Naomi, and their response to God during a time of deep loss.
To find more information about Turpin Mennonite Church, see their website. The church is located in the country between Liberal and Turpin, but it’s not difficult to find. To get there, go south of Liberal on HWY 83 about 10 miles. At the intersection of Highways 64 and 270, you will see Valero gas storage tanks on corner. Turn left there and go east 4 miles to Hollow Road 1230 until you see a church sign on the corner. Turn left at the sign and go north 1 mile and you are there!