An ordinary woman with an extraordinary story


South Church of God

Aug 21, 2016, Liberal, KS

As the summer comes to a close, I will once again join the South Church of God for their Sunday morning worship service.  Although at this time, I do not know the topic that God will lead me to speak, I know that we will open the Word of God together and study what He has to say to us.

It’s easy in the summer months to get busy with all the fun outdoor options available.  I hope that this summer you will make God a priority, wherever you might be.  If you are at the campground, look around for a worship service.  If you are at the lake, have time to praise the Lord together with the people that you are with.  If you are on vacation, pick a church to visit.  God is active all across this beautiful nation.  Sometimes when we are out of our normal, and seek Him anyway, we hear a very special word from Him.  He loves you.  Give Him the chance to show you.