Song of a Wounded Heart Pre-Release Event
Apr 2, 2019, Liberal Memorial Library, Liberal, KS
Come join me for a Pre-Release Event
at Liberal Memorial Library
on April 2
from 5:00 – 7:45 p.m.
I’m pleased to announce the pre-release sale of Song of a Wounded Heart. This is a special one-time event for my hometown friends and neighbors. I wanted to make the book available to you. Although the book does not fully release until June 25, I will have paperback copies of the book available for sale at this event.
They sell for $17 (including sales tax).
I want to give a special thank you to Liberal Memorial Library for hosting me. I will be in their new coffee bar, located on the south side of the library (straight ahead of you when you enter the inside doors). Come by and see me. I’d love to visit with you and share about our wonderful God.
You can order Song of a Wounded Heart from your favorite online bookstore at any time. You can download the e-book now, but you can only pre-order the paperback. Those orders ship from the publisher in June. After June 25, I hope to see it in bookstores and libraries.
See you there!