First Christian Church – Summer Pulpit Supply
Jun 5, 2022, Liberal, KS

920 N. Jordan, Liberal, KS
I will be speaking on Sunday morning for the First Christian Church in Liberal, KS for the following Sundays:
June 5 – Have you ever wondered why God set up so many festivals in the Old Testament? The history of each one tells a story of a time when God intervened on behalf of his people. But that’s not the only reason God asked the people to celebrate. Each event also foretold an important part of Jesus’ ministry. Today, we will look at Passover, the Feast of First Fruits and Pentecost.
June 12 – Today we continue to study how Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament festivals as we look at The Day of Trumpets, The Day of Atonement and the Feast of Tabernacles. These three not only look forward to Jesus on earth, but also His return to earth. We look forward to your coming Lord Jesus!
July 3 – Today’s lesson is “How to Ask God Questions.” This is a fascinating topic. Many people have asked me about this, especially regarding the loss of my family. We all want to ask God “why?” sometimes. Is it ok to do so? Today we will answer that question.
July 10 – Although I probably should have talked about this last week, we will look at “Freedom” today. In our world today, everyone claims the freedom to find their own truth. What does Jesus say about this? When He offers us freedom, what does it look like?