First Christian Church
Aug 11, 2019, Liberal, KS

Liberal, KS
As I enter this event into my computer, it’s hard to believe the summer will almost be over when I return to First Christian once again for the morning worship service. Time goes by too quickly! One day when I was complaining about how fast time seems to fly, a friend gave me a new perspective. He said, “That’s how we know we are made for eternity. The older we get, the quicker times passes, until one day we step off into eternity, where there is no time at all.” I’ve never forgotten his words. Now I don’t complain about it. Instead, I look forward to eternity!
Come join us at First Christian Church for worship at 10:00. You will find the church at 10th and Clay in Liberal, KS.
If you can’t join us in Kansas, I hope you will find a local church to attend this Sunday. God created us to worship Him with others.