An ordinary woman with an extraordinary story


Day Creek Chapel

Aug 4, 2019, Sedro-Wooley, WA

Day Creek Chapel is located at 31438 S Skagit Hwy in scenic Sedro-Woolley. I’m very excited to travel through the beautiful state of Washington. It’s a long way from the flatlands of Kansas!

It always makes me smile to watch how God connects me to new places. In this case, I met Mary at a women’s retreat in Hutchinson, Kansas. She has roots in Washington, and introduced me to her friends there. Then, in no time at all, ideas began to germinate, and the doors opened for me to come north after my trip to Oregon. I look forward to meeting the people of Day Creek, and sharing a message of hope with my brothers and sisters in Christ.

Come join us on August 4 for worship.

Prayer time begins at 9:15

Worship and Children’s Sunday School begin at 10:15.

See you there!