Black Eyed Susans
November 1, 2018
The plants are flowering, but they have fallen over on each other, with the blooms laying on the ground.
November 1, 2018
The plants are flowering, but they have fallen over on each other, with the blooms laying on the ground.
Pastor, New Salem, SBC
Independence, MO
Secretary, First Church of God
Elkhart, KS
First Southern Baptist
Great Bend, KS
Secretary, Trinity Faith
Liberal, KS
First Baptist Church of Harvester
St. Charles, MO
Outreach Director, Eagle Rock Retreat
Tallassee, TN
Eureka Baptist Church Women's Ministry
Fayetteville, NC
Women's Ministry Leader, Fellowship at Scofield Farms
Austin, TX
Newberg Christian Church
Newberg, OR
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